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SIEG集團(訊樂國際教育集團)是一家精品新興市場教育管理集團,主要專注於VPET(職業、專業、教育和培訓)領域, 持守亞太地區和大中華區的教育和培訓市塲。 SIEG總部設立在香港,  自成立以來, 集團一直與英國諾恩(NOCN)集團和英國一優獎集團合作,提供威力(VENUS)品牌銷售技能培訓、百帥銀行街(Bank Street)品牌競爭領導力培訓、各種幼兒期獎勵認證,以及CIEG、加能(Canary) 國際教育集團(SIEG的子公司品牌)與英國培訓資歷(TQUK)在工商管理和酒店管理方面的職業高等教育專案發展中國市場。  SIEG 在亞太地區和中國地區特許經管英國倫敦訊樂學院、英國倫敦加能學院和英國劍橋國際學院運營課程,這些學院在英國為註冊學習組織。我們與不同市塲的學習者合作,為未來獲得新技能,通過職業規劃和發展,掌掌更好的改善社會和個人的生活素質提升的機會。

SIEG Group (Sloane International Education Group) is a boutique emerging markets educational management group of companies primarily focused on VPET (Vocational, Professional. Education and Training) in the Asia-Pacific and the Greater China regions.  SIEG is headquartered in Hong Kong.  Since its inception, the Group has worked with NOCN Group UK and One Awards Group UK in delivering VENUS brand sales skills training, and Bank Street brand competitive leadership training, various pre-childhood awards certifications, and Vocational Higher Education Programs between CIEG, Canary International Education Group, (a subsidiary brand of SIEG) with TQUK in business administration and hospitality management.   SIEG operates Sloane College London UK, Canary College London UK and Cambridge International College UK, which are registered learning organizations within UK. We work with learners to achieve new skills for future to better improvement of the society and individual’s living through career planning and development.

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